Membership Application Form

Terms & Conditions

Clause 1: Promotional Material

Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre reserves the right to reject any material that it deems as unsuitable.

Clause 2: Information

  • Responsibility is on members to ensure that all information provided to the Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre is current and correct.
  • Responsibility is on members to ensure any business detail changes are advised to the Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre to allow updating of records. Changes are required in writing.
  • Responsibility is on members for the adequate supply of brochure stocks at the Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre.

Clause 3: Commissions

By signing this Membership Form and purchasing a membership, all members of the Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre (Seven Valleys Tourism) agree to pay a base 10% commission (plus GST) on all bookings made by the Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre.

Clause 4: Council Consent

It is the responsibility of members to ensure that they have obtained any necessary Development Consent for the operation of their business from Lithgow City Council. Failure to do so will invalidate membership.

Privacy Statement

Seven Valleys Tourism maintains a database of its members for the purpose of regular communication on industry matters.

In addition – IF YOU AGREE – relevant components of your membership details are also used for the following purposes.

If you do not wish to be included in any of these databases, please tick the relevant NO Box.

Provides members with details on co-operative marketing opportunities, e.g. consumer tradeshows, seasonal campaigns, accommodation and experience guides.

Provides members with invitations to marketing workshops, industry forums, networking functions.

Provides information on members to relevant industry bodies and tourism companies for tourism related purposes e.g. wholesale and retail packaging, forwarding contact details onto other members, etc.

Forwards information onto media organisations and public relations agencies for the purposes of publicity coverage of the Seven Valleys tourism area.

Provides information on general visitor information and accommodation enquiries at the Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre.

Assists Emergency Services with information for a ‘bed bank’ in times of emergencies.

NOTE: The Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre will not pass member details to any third party commercial organisation unless that member has given specific permission.

Your Membership Acceptance


Lithgow City Council will issue an invoice upon receipt of this form at the Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre.

The invoice can then be paid over the internet via B-Point, Bpay, or by cash at the Customer Service Counter, 180 Mort Street, Lithgow NSW 2790.

*Please note that Seven Valleys Visitor Information Centre cannot accept membership payments. All payments must be upon receipt of an invoice.

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